

relation system: grid, atmospheric system: high-density, material system: isotropic.


Adolf Loos once said, the „“Schrebergarden“ (a small privat gardening area) is an oasis of calm. In the 19 centery the ecological oases of Dr Schreber were used for orthopedic treatment. The „Schrebergarden“ promoted education to beauty. The small gardens represent an alternative to the chemical food contamination. The garden is friendly, a childrenparadise and a place of exchange. They offer physical and mental regeneration. They are an important communication bridge and an opportunity to mitigate the much defamed alienation.

For chimba it would be a chance to create a place for seedings. As a starting point people would gain access to a green space, learning gardening and selling the harvest themselves on the market. The vision see further displays in Chimba and could also be thought bigger.
