

unknown builder: rione casalnuovo, 
sassi di matera, basilicata, italy

in zusammenarbeit mit sebastian piel.

The sculptural space unifies the contrasts. It is an entity defined by the formal and the informal, the light and the dark, the small and the large, the narrow and the width, the motion and the motion-less. Following this thought there are also two different ways of reading the sculptural space, a “heavy” one, which is about volumes, masses and materials, and a “lighter” way, which is about light and movement. 

More precisely we argue, that archetypal volumes, merged together in one material, give shape to the sculptural space. In this process complexity is gathered by using different scales of the volumes, such as spaces, thresholds and alcoves, and different methods of assembling them, like merging or adding. The resulting entity holds together by keeping its origin, the alcove as the smallest element, visible, but enables simultaneously a complex notion of space by differentiation. The play of the opposites becomes even more clear, while seeing the sculptural objects within the space as a counterpart to the inverted volumes of the alcoves.

Contrasting commonly designed spaces the sculptural space uses light as a stable constant, as another volume, which overlaps the spatial ones. Light appears indirect as a diffuse cone, which is surrounded by a moving sequence of spaces in a variety of narrowness and wideness, height and depth. To realize the complete meaning of the sculptural space it is essential, that the human moves through the space and its different light intensities. 

The sculpural space might leave room for coincidences. By reflection of them they can appear enriching.
